Friday, March 14, 2008

Blog Slacker

Yes, it's true. I've been a slacker of all things blog recently. It's not that I don't want to blog. And it's not that I don't have any ideas for blogging. It's just that the ideas that I have require uploading pictures, and uploading pictures requires that I go to the library. (No, we don't have internet access at home. Yes, we do live in the ice age). And going to the library requires time and energy and motivation....things I am in short supply of. Just call me Slack.


Saysha said...

Ah Lee's...don't be so hard on yourself. You don't live in the ice age...just the stone age! ;o) I think you're doing a great job on your blog! And I'd run the marathon with you if I lived close by, if I like running at all, if I was nuts...etc. So I guess I won't be able to make it this time! But you are awesome for doing it! Miss yas...

Anonymous said...

Annie, you make me laugh. I understand the no energy or motivation thing! You are doing great! I love your blog.

Rikki said...

Hey chica,
I am feeling the same way except for I don't really have anything to Blog about. HMMMM! I am loving your blog though. You are doing great. I check your blog quite frequently keep up the good work!

Emilee said...

Hey Slack! Ha don't you just love me and my criticism. Just kidding. I love your blog and I am glad that you finally got one.

Annie said...

Ohhhhh. Thanks everybody. You all made my day! Even you, Emilee.