Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Recently (ok, not that recently), we celebrated this girl's birthday. Ahem, bearthday.

Isn't she cute. Aw, look at her. Just look at her.
Jennifer & Amy put together one happy bearthday get-together. Complete with:
1-An earth cake.
2-Earth-friendly shopping bags (which worked great for carrying tools).
3-Earth-friendly silly string. (What. It's possible.)
4-A very questionable meal at a very questionable noodle place.
5-One stupendous lesson about noxious weeds.
6-Weeding. Yes, that's right. Weeding.
7-The planting of one apple tree (hence, the tools). In an undisclosed location. Don't worry about it.

Jenny finds the planting of the tree to be heartwarming. Just heartwarming. Rikki thinks it's funny.Here is Amy taking care of the final details with the tree as Jennifer begins her tree speech.Yes, that's right. Here's Rikki dancing by the tree. Pregnancy doesn't stop this wild woman from joining the party.
Oh. And here I am. Climbing the tree.

Hope it was a good one, Jenny!

Amy's amazing cake. You are a domestic genious, Amy! A domestic genius.


Jennifer said...

Oh, the joy of my heart in viewing this post. That bearthday sure was a fantastic one. Jenny Frame will be so happy that you have captured the day, seeing how she erased every picture on her camera!!

And Annie, thank you for climbing that tree.

Jenny said...

Yes annie, what jennifer says is true, I somehow erased every picture from the best bearthday I've ever had. You done blogged up Bearthday Celebration 2009 real good.

Jennifer said...

Um Annie, P.S. I'm glad that you loved your Save the Earth grocery bag. Loved it so much that you left it in my car! Not cool, Annie, not cool.

Annie said...

Hey! Mine is hanging up in my coat closet, ready to go shopping at any moment! In fact, it's already been used for carrying water for my nephews on a nice little river trail walk, where one Noxious Weed Information Sheet made for some nice conversation. I have witnesses!

That one is probably Jenny's. No offense, Jenny.

Jennifer said...

Jenny Frame, it's YOU!!!! That's it, Jenny Frame, that's it.

Rikki said...

Umm! I hate to admit this but it was me... That darn pregnancy brain leaves and forgets everything. I love the pictures I kept wondering when they would be posted.

Anonymous said...

AMEN, SISTERS!! ThEARTH been a dEARTH of wEARTHy bEARYTHdays, and you gEARTHls made my EARTHy day full of mEARTH--Love and sofEARTH... Annie's EARTH Mother
P.S. mEARTHci (I know that's a stretch, but the French-With-a-lisp pun just was irresistable--and irrevEARTHable...:)