Thursday, February 28, 2008

Fair View

As I said before, we went to good ol' Fairview recently. We got to ride my Dad's awesome snowmobiles in perfect weather out north on Saturday, and again over west on Monday. We also watched a movie with my parents, took a nice Sunday drive to see the Kiteboarders up Fairview Canyon, and visited with Dan & Jer & their fams a little. Good times were had. And here are the pics to prove it.

There I am. What a champion.

There he is. Fancy footwork there, Hun. (Someday, I hope to work up to the one-knee approach, like him.)

Yeah. That's Mike pulling me on the sled. He was really happy about doing this. "MUSH! MUSH, Mike!"

Yup. Those are my boots. And my Dad giving Mike some moral support.

Random kiteboarder. This was for you, Crystal. Or, maybe more for Patrick. Thought of you guys when we were watching these.
Okay, this took a long time. Next time, less pictures and more typing. Or, less pictures and less typing. Yeah.


Ben and Darci said...

Hey Annie! Fairview!!! I always thought that Fairview was the prettiest town in Sanpete, and that Moroni was the ugliest (stinky too) and what do ya know Ben and I bought land in Moroni to build a house on in a year! Now I've change my mind and Moroni is AWESOME! I'm so glad to be back in touch with you. How is it that you haven't gained an ounce? Every married person should gain at least 20 :) Well, anyways, glad to see you are doing great.

Emilee said...

Thanks for the info that you now have a blog. :) It was good to see you guys in the hospital. You guys are awesome and we love to see you.

Janille said...

Annie, NICE BLOG! You and Mike are so funny! My girls had a fun time playing in the snow in Fairview too. Keep up the good work!


Jennifer said...

Yaaay Fairview and yaay for Mike pulling you around. He is always mushing around, that Mike.

But Annie, what on earth is a kiteboarder? I do not understand this.

Jennifer said...

P.S. Thank you for calling us the Hott Badgetts. I really do feel that we are hott. Well, at least I am hott. Mike is only just ok.

Annie said...

Jennifer, I don't really understand kiteboarding either, but it involves a parachute-like kite and a snowboard. And wind. And a little craziness. That is all.

Crystal said...

I just love your blog! I am SO happy you have one!! Yay! And thank you so much for the kiteboarding pics! They are so sweet. Now Patrick can drool over them & wish he lived out there! haha.
So good to hear from you!!!
Crystal & Patrick